Empty nesters at Home©NDAB Creativity

Popular Home Designs for Empty Nesters

August 31, 2023


When new parents bring their baby home, most people say, “Enjoy your time with them because it goes by so quickly!” We couldn’t agree more with that sentiment. Now that you’re an empty nester and your last little one has flown the coop, it’s time to start thinking about how your home will change without your children around every day.

When children are at home, the house goes through a lot of wear and tear. Chipped paint, scuffed floors, and stained furniture are just a few of the accidents that can happen that might remain unrepaired for years. Approximately 3 out of 4 empty nesters renovate their homes after their children move out, and the projects they typically tackle vary in affordability and the time it takes to complete them. From switching out old furniture to gutting the bathroom for a complete upgrade, these changes can make a huge difference in your home’s appearance.

Letting go can be difficult, but Peachtree Building Group is here to help you design an empty nesters haven so you can continue to foster memories in your “new” space for years to come.

Cancel Your Gym Membership

Empty nesters exercising at home©NDAB Creativity

Now that the kids are grown and gone, you can redesign and revitalize some of the rooms throughout your house to accommodate the life you’re living now. Imagine the video game loft with the lumpy bean bag chairs and dusty TV becoming a craft corner full of your favorite supplies or using one of the bedrooms for your home gym. The opportunities are endless for what your home can become. It’s also important to stay active and healthy as you age. Having an accessible, judgment-free area to use in the comfort of your home is a luxury you deserve after years of prioritizing your kids.

Design the Ideal Hobbyist’s Space

Empty nesters painting at home©NDAB Creativity

Did you put your hobbies on hold to raise your children? Many people do or don’t dedicate the time to it that they would if they didn’t have other responsibilities. Now that the kids have moved out, you can decide where and when to invest in yourself again. A hobby room frees up storage space in other parts of the house, and you can increase the visual appeal of your home when guests come over. Think about using a library, a home office, or a painting studio right under your roof.

Create a Cozy Guest Room

Empty nesters playing with their children©NDAB Creativity

Speaking of guests, although your kids have moved out, they will return occasionally to visit, especially during the holiday season. And they might even bring their little ones along so you can be on grandparent duty. You may also have other guests or family members who routinely visit during vacation. Now is the perfect time to ditch the blow-up mattress and redesign the guest room you’ve always wanted. Updates like investing in a quality mattress, hanging new curtains, and brightening up the color scheme can add a lot of value to the room without forcing you to break the bank!

Make Memories in a New Kitchen

Empty nesters in the kitchen©NDAB Creativity

Everyone knows that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Now that your countertops aren’t used to store backpacks, manage meal prep, and check homework, you can upgrade this gathering spot into a place for making more mealtime memories. Simple changes like repainting the cabinets or switching out the knobs can add character and individuality to your space. Other changes like displaying handmade cutting boards and wooden cutlery, installing a wine rack, or making a fancy coffee bar highlight what you love (and use often) in your kitchen.

One More Tip for Empty Nesters

Empty nester teaching ballet studio©NDAB Creativity

Having more free time can either be a welcome or daunting schedule change for empty nesters who’ve invested the last few decades in caring for their children full-time. Don’t forget to spend time outside your home doing the things you love. Hiking with your spouse, visiting the farmer’s market on the weekends, and teaching classes in your local community can make your empty nest feel full of possibilities because you’re coming home with renewed energy doing the things you enjoy.

Empty nesters hugging at home©NDAB Creativity
In this season of change, Peachtree Building Groupis here to provide great tips and impressive homes in safe communities to our home buyers. Whether you’re a new homeowner or have bought a house with us in the past (maybe one where you’ve lived with your family for years before you became an empty nester), we hope your renovation is successful with these popular home designs in your toolkit. Contact an agent today to learn more about our available homes and current promotions!

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